Study the Bible

Study online

World Bible School offers a course of study where you can move along at your own pace. Click on the computer icon to be taken to their website.

Be part of a group or class

We have regularly scheduled Bible classes that meet at the church building at 9:00 on Sunday mornings and 7:00 on Wednesday nights. Click on the icon to see a list of the classes currently being offered.

Schedule a one-on-one study

We would be glad to arrange a meeting time in your home, at the church building, in a coffee shop or restaurant, or we can even converse by phone, text message, or email. Click on the icon to let us know which method you would prefer.

Correspondence courses by mail

Sometimes there's just nothing like sitting down with real paper and pencil and flipping through the pages to find biblical answers. This tried and true method of sending study booklets by mail gives you time to ruminate on God's truth while the booklets are being mailed back and forth.